Group Health Insurance
POS Insurance Plan
Pennsylvania Business
A POS or Point-of-Service
group health insurance
plan allows your
Pennsylvania employees
the option of accessing
any medical provider with
or without a primary care
physician referral
(depending on which
option you choose) and
receive the highest benefit
level. Similar to an HMO,
a POS stresses
preventive care and offers
closely managed benefits.
A POS health insurance
plan also pays benefits for
out-of-network care, but at
a lower level than for in
network care.
Costs that exceed the
deductible are covered by
a co-insurance plan in
which your employee and
the insurance company
share the cost for services
covered by the policy.
Also, some services such
as emergency room,
mental health and
chemical dependency
services, may carry
additional costs in a
Pennsylvania POS health
insurance plan.
Preventive care emphasis
Pays benefits for out-of
network care, but at a lower
POS Coverage Explained

Click on the link below to
fill out a Pennsylvania
Group Health Insurance
quote form.
PA Group Insurance, LLC
Copyright 2004-2021, All rights reserved
PA Group
PA Group